Never Split The Difference by Chris Voss
In Never Split the Difference, Chris Voss shares essential negotiation strategies based on empathy, calibrated questioning, and tactical listening. Discover how to negotiate effectively in any situation with these transformative techniques.
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Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss is a masterclass on negotiation rooted in Voss’s career as an FBI hostage negotiator. The book brings high-stakes negotiation tactics into everyday and business settings, focusing on empathy, active listening, and psychological insight. Here’s an overview of key strategies from Voss:
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Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss is a masterclass on negotiation rooted in Voss’s career as an FBI hostage negotiator. The book brings high-stakes negotiation tactics into everyday and business settings, focusing on empathy, active listening, and psychological insight. Here’s an overview of key strategies from Voss:
Key Concepts and Techniques
1. Tactical Empathy:
• This involves understanding the other person’s emotions and perspective to build rapport and influence. Instead of agreeing, show genuine interest in their thoughts and feelings, often using mirroring techniques.
• Example: If they say, “I need this done quickly,” you might respond, “Quickly?”
2. Mirroring:
• Repeating the last few words or the most critical part of what someone said to create a connection and encourage them to elaborate. This fosters trust and keeps them talking, which can reveal important information.
• Example: If they say, “Our budget is tight this year,” you might respond, “Your budget is tight?”
3. Labeling:
• Identify and name the other person’s emotions. This helps diffuse negative emotions and make the other person feel understood.
• Example: “It sounds like you’re frustrated with the timeline.”
4. The Power of “No”:
• Voss encourages people to give the other side a comfortable way to say “no” as a starting point. Saying “no” gives people a sense of control, opening them up for further discussion.
• Example: “Would it be a bad idea to…?”
5. The Accusation Audit:
• Preemptively address negative feelings the other side might have. By acknowledging potential concerns, you show awareness and build trust.
• Example: “You might think I’m here just to push for a better deal for myself, and I understand that.”
6. “That’s Right” Moment:
• The goal is to get the other side to say “That’s right” instead of “You’re right.” When they agree with your summary of their perspective, they feel validated and are more open to your point of view.
7. Bending Reality with the “How” Question:
• Ask “How” questions to subtly prompt the other party to think about solutions from your perspective. It’s a way of guiding them without confrontation.
• Example: “How am I supposed to do that?”
8. Black Swan Theory:
• Look for hidden “black swans” information that could change the negotiation dynamics. Listening actively and being open to unexpected insights can reveal these hidden gems.
Practical Application
Voss emphasizes that negotiation is about gaining information and building trust rather than winning or losing. His tactics are applicable in everyday situations, from business deals to personal talks, as they focus on fostering mutual understanding and collaboration rather than confrontation.
Remember: According to Voss, the goal isn’t to “split the difference” but to reach a solution that works well for all parties, often by uncovering and addressing hidden motivations.
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